Transport schema to Smetanina ski complex

You can reach Smetanina ski complex by several means: by regular public buses number 101 and 174, by car, or by special MWC bus shuttles:

Bus stops will be equipped with special signs that will help to orient the audience.

From March 11 to March 13 shuttles will go only on specific request if necessary. On the first day of competition, March 14, trips start from 07:00 to 15:30.
In time period from 15:00 to 18:30 bus shuttles will run from the Smetanina complex to the hotels where athletes reside (“Syktyvkar”, “Dinamo”, “Northern Star”, “Olympian”, “Yugor”, dispensary of Syktyvkar State University, and others).
In the evening, 17:30-18:30 and 20:00-20:30, buses will move from the hotels to the “Renova” complex, where the award ceremony of athletes will be held every day.